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Midsummer festival in the real north

Mittsommerfest im echten Norden

When we moved here to the beautiful estate, we had the idea of ​​not just exchanging house for house, but of creating something special here. What exactly that would be was not concrete but grew year after year. We built a lot, we put Corona behind us and with the growth and work around Lumikello, the idea of ​​what should happen here also grew.

Handpicked exhibitors presented their artwork and designs

We want to create a meeting place and a place where people can find beautiful things that stand out from the crowd. Art and design, craftsmanship and handicrafts. These can be beautiful products from our own factory, lovely and practical things from friendly labels or ideas that we want to share. A workshop on the topic of color or a dip in ice - a lot can and should happen here. Some things are already being planned. More about this in the dates.

And we invite you to stay: our small holiday apartment will soon be getting a new addition. Right next to us in the manor house, another 120 square metre home is being built for an exceptional break in the countryside. We would also be happy to give you an insight into our passion for Icelandic horses, which we breed on a small scale.

Of course, art was also part of the event: Mike Klar presented his original works. Two of these motifs are also available as art prints here in the shop.

Last year we were able to open the Lumikello showroom with many guests; in June we invited people to the summer party and around 300 visitors came and enjoyed regional delicacies. In the unmistakable atmosphere of the listed farm, they discovered new and exclusive things; enjoyed a picnic under the cherry tree or in the glamping tent and had stimulating conversations. The event not only invited people to shop but also to exchange ideas with the Lumikello Instagram community.

There were beautiful things to discover everywhere on the farm.

We are as happy with the day as our exhibitors and guests. It was a lovely celebration in a relaxed atmosphere with great people who came together in this beautiful place.

We look forward to more great events here.

If you would like to be a part of the summer festival here in Warnau, please get in touch with us. Even if you are planning an event, we would be happy to think about possibilities with you. We love being hosts.

Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate this day.